I have the tendency to start projects and never finish them...in this case, my blog has been left all alone for way too long. Partly was because I had an older computer and it was slowly dying (you did me well babygirl) and editing and uploading everything took forever and a day. Ok ok let's face it B, I actually fell out of love with the whole writing process and the time it took and just got plain lazy.
Anyways, I kept going back and forth about wether I was going to just completely give up on it or pick it up and try to be a little more consistent with it, obviously I decided to pick it back up :). Reading back at my posts I somewhat laugh at myself and the things I've said. Why may you ask? because though I thought I knew what I was talking about, I was clueless. Yes, my opinions still held true but I did not give any background info or some type of education on the product. But HEY! everything is a learning process, I am still not a master but I have definitely learned a whole lot this far. This time posts will be more taught out and informative in how to use the products I talk about and maybe give some tips and tricks I've learned along the way.
My current occupation is being a Beauty Consultant. I work for an awesome and fun company that I will not name because I want to keep my work life out of my personal/hobby life. But just know that I do get free products from work that I may end up talking about. As always, my opinions are my own and my personal feeling and experience with that certain product. Though I receive different types of products...I am a MAKEUP JUNKIE! I still spend hella $$ on stuff I see that I like/want. But what makeup junkie doesn't?? Well...hope you enjoy and pick up some helpful tips & tricks along the way.
Until Next Time,